Magnesium is a macromineral that is required by more than 300 enzymes in the body.
The body cannot have "magnesium" with them!
Magnesium ions will react with high molecular polymers in the body such as ATP or DNA, RNA, and hundreds of enzymes need magnesium ions to operate, which is an essential mineral for the human body.
It needs to be combined with magnesium ions to function
ATP is the energy necessary for any biochemical reaction involved in muscle contraction, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the main source of cellular energy. It must be combined with magnesium ions to maintain biological activity. So ATP is also often called Mg-ATP.

Helps glucose enter cells
Studies have found that a lack of magnesium can cause the body to respond poorly to insulin, causing blood sugar to rise.
When we eat carbohydrates, the body undergoes a series of energy conversions, glucose metabolism, absorption, entry into cells and energy production. In the process of metabolizing and decomposing glucose, the participation of mineral magnesium and vitamin B group is needed to proceed smoothly.

The essential component of intracellular protein synthesis
Magnesium helps Grapevine to enter cells, and combine with ATP to produce effects and synthesize proteins
The basic structural unit of protein is amino acid, and protein is a polymer of amino acid. There are more than 20 kinds of amino acids in organisms . When synthesizing proteins, the amino acids are sequentially linked into polypeptide chains according to the genetic code, and then folded and assembled into proteins with specific structures and functions. It needs the assistance of magnesium ions to function.